Our Company
4 partners and 10 accountants
4 partners and 10 accountants for a total staff of 20 people: LEXIS combines the more than twenty years of professional experience of the partners with the commitment, ability to innovate and desire to grow of young colleagues in a balanced mix of skills in step with the times and always responsive to new market needs.
Thanks to its two offices, in Milan and Crema, LEXIS is the trusted company of numerous multinational companies and groups. LEXIS, founding member of the Quadro Tax & Legal professional network, is present throughout the national territory with 7 offices and more than 30 professionals.
Our company provides tax and corporate consultancy, carries out tax due diligence, company valuations, budget analysis, management control, drafting of budgets and business plans as well as dealing with all activities related to extraordinary operations and corporate reorganisations. It also offers assistance in preparing sustainability reports and in tax disputes.
Alongside companies in all phases of their life cycle, LEXIS also provides assistance in the drafting of financial statements, including consolidated and IAS.
From an organizational point of view, LEXIS offers clients who require a continuous “in-house” presence the opportunity to avail themselves of a professional from the firm at their headquarters.
Ethical code
Immersed in its reference context, LEXIS has developed over time both its own staff and a series of relationships with professionals, consultants, suppliers and partners: it is of fundamental importance for professionalism, quality, reliability and reputation of LEXIS, that the behavior of those who work within it and, in general, of all the actors with whom the firm interacts are inspired by common principles and values.
For these reasons LEXIS has adopted a code of ethics.


A professional network that was born in 2018 thanks to the initiative of three firms of chartered accountants, with the aim of combining the multiple skills acquired by each within their own professional reality.

It was born in 2017 as a social responsibility initiative, and became a Foundation in 2020. It promotes the culture of beauty to prevent and combat all forms of violence against women and gender discrimination.

Since 1995, alongside companies, Warrant Hub (formerly Warrant Group) is a unique reality in the Italian panorama capable of offering integrated services to support industrial development projects. They make their experience in the field of subsidized finance as well as technical and technological skills available to companies.

Fingenium: a close-knit team of subsidized finance professionals and consultants. With wisdom and passion they guide businesses through the insidious world of bureaucracy. Excellent trusted allies capable of offering prospects and growth opportunities to your business.

Carini S.p.a. is a company founded more than fifty years ago that deals with fiduciary and auditing activities. Members of Assofiduciaria, the association of fiduciary, trust and investment services which represents an important and consolidated reality in the financial world.

Taxlit aims to offer an excellent service in protecting the taxpayer at every procedural and procedural stage, with the aim of always seeking concrete solutions that put the interests of customers and their business at the centre, in constant coordination with the various partners of the study.

ELDA S.r.l. è una società che si occupa di Payroll, walfare aziendale e amministrazione del personale dipendente. ELDA S.r.l. vuole essere il punto di riferimento per le Imprese che intendano avere un partner valido, sicuro ed efficiente per l’elaborazione delle buste paga e l’amministrazione dei rapporti di lavoro.
Laudem aperiri oportere nec ad, vel et ceteros nominati et nula disputationi sed ea lorem vis prompta vis, ad mutat luptatum euripidis.

Raymond Cole,
CEO Director
Laudem aperiri oportere nec ad, vel et ceteros nominati et nula disputationi sed ea lorem vis prompta vis, ad mutat luptatum euripidis.

Anne Reid,
HR Specialist

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